Problem Solver

Marissela Silva

Marissela Silva
Experience does not make the genius. It is an open mind and creative spirit which drives people to believe in change and act towards it. I believe in a Creative God that made a world and myself from scratch and did not leave out any perfect details and therefore, if the Bible claims we are a reflection of him, I too have that creative potential.

Areas Marissela Silva is Knowledgeable in:

-Entertainment, Media , Mkt. and Advertising, Music, Communications, Religion, Psych., Interpersonal and Social, Organizational, Event Planning,etc.

Marissela Silva's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Directed shows and worked as Radio host for years
  2. Script Writer, Continuist and Editor for several local productions (TV , MOVIES)
  3. Leadership Courses and studies taken w/ reknown John Maxwell
  4. Graphic Design Diploma w/Mkt. Speciality
  5. Experience in Advertising Copy and Creative Dpts.
  6. Experienced Musician, Vocal Performer and Writer
  7. Leadership in Social and Religious Groups
  8. Teached in Music and Ledership Schools

Marissela Silva's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. -Created several radio, TV shows for several networks.
  2. -Lead the Communications faculty at a local college to change old and useless policies that did not allow students to learn and experience useful courses to the new tecnology-dependent media world.