Problem Solver

Mateus Lana

Mateus Lana

Areas Mateus Lana is Knowledgeable in:

Data Mining, Business Intelligence, Web, Network-effects, Using computational methods in time series.

Mateus Lana's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Computer Finances
  2. Stock Market Technical Analysis
  3. Artificial Neural Networks usage in Stock Market
  4. Data Mining
  5. Product Development Process
  6. QFD: Quality Function Deployment
  7. Business Intelligence
  8. Market Intelligence
  9. Market Research

Mateus Lana's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Discovering which features and qualities a information system must have for an investor. A market research with several steps was needed, with a very difficult sampling, and then the QFD method used.
  2. Development of a new Internet service for investors in the Brazilian Stock Market, with the definition of the business model for a new Internet company.
  3. Creation of computer solutions for predicting time series and finding strategies for investors in the Brazilian Stock Market, coordinating a small team of developers. Methods used includes operational research and artificial neural network.
    The results of these systems needed to be transformed in a product also, with a simple language for the investors.
  4. Creation of a payment bonus politics for a pig farm in Piranga, Brazil, transforming zoo-technical indicators in payment bonus for the employees.