Problem Solver

Mikalai Katsin

Mikalai Katsin

Areas Mikalai Katsin is Knowledgeable in:

Microbiology, Inflammation, Infectious diseases, molecular biology, immunology, pathophysiology, molecular oncology,

Techniques Mikalai Katsin Uses:

No financial support, no available techniques and equipment, no appropriate lab,
but a great desire

Mikalai Katsin's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Conduct experiments on animals
  2. Working in the microbiology lab, scientific work conduction
  3. Seeking plant subsntances showing an immunomodulating activity
  4. Doctor- infectionist

Mikalai Katsin's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have developed a new type of vaccine for rapid changable viruses
  2. I have developed a new approach in HIV treatment
  3. I have developed a new approach to the treatment of oncological processes, based on different basic medical sciences (cellular and molecular immunology, molecular biology, biochemisrty)