Problem Solver

Mike Shiralian

Mike Shiralian

Areas Mike Shiralian is Knowledgeable in:

Heavy metal pollutants
Soil Remediation technologies
Research and Studies
Organometallic chemicals

Techniques Mike Shiralian Uses:

On line research and studies of all the similar technologies available in the world for the removal of toxic heavy metals from soil matrix rather than encapsulation or fixing them back into the nature. I made comparative studies of their pros and cons, and also published articles about this need in few scientific magazines.

Mike Shiralian's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. chemical pollutants research and studies, environmental chemistry reserach and studies

Mike Shiralian's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Toxic Heavy Metal Removal vs. Encapsulation
    I have contributed in development of a multimillion dollar soil remediation technology for removal of toxic heavy metals from contaminated soils in Ontario. Traditionally, heavy metals are dumped in the landfills or encapsulated by other reagents in order to immobilize them in the nature. This is a wrong practice and there’s a significant need in recycling the heavy metals for both beneficial uses and environmental health.