Problem Solver

Mike Taylor

I am incredibly good at what I do as long as I know what the goal is. I have consulted many companies in multiple industries to aid in development of improved business models and new strategies

Areas Mike Taylor is Knowledgeable in:

B2B B2C solutions, research methodology, market entry, business optimization, business solutions, personal information discovery

Techniques Mike Taylor Uses:

In depth thinking, prior experience, vast professional business network for additional information, access to market research solutions which have become some of the cutting edge solutions in the field now

Mike Taylor's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. I have vast experience as a market researcher and professional consultant in many industires

Mike Taylor's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have in my previous companies managed to decrease overhead expenses by 30%+ within 1 year of starting while maintaining full staffing. I have also innovated new technology solutions in the industry which have become some of the leading methodologies in the market research industry