Problem Solver

Mildred Ayidi

Mildred Ayidi

Areas Mildred Ayidi is Knowledgeable in:

Busine3ss, Entreprenuership, small business management, baking and cooking, music and entertainment

Techniques Mildred Ayidi Uses:

-Ensuring that conflicts within my institution are solved before they become bigger and more complex.
-Finding out the root of an issue and applying my business acumen and abilities to solve the issue.

Mildred Ayidi's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Marketing of products and services, debt collection, human resource management, organisational behaviour, singing

Mildred Ayidi's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. -I increased my former company's financial positioin by ensuring all debts owed to the company were paid.
    -I helped build up a brand name for my former employer through my extensive marketing skills.
    -I have managed to build my business and help it grow by coming up with strategies to penetrate into the market and obtain a larger market share than my competitors