Problem Solver

Mohamed Ouaguenouni

Mohamed Ouaguenouni

Areas Mohamed Ouaguenouni is Knowledgeable in:

QC & QA, production on the pharmaceutical industry
Other industry

Techniques Mohamed Ouaguenouni Uses:

Drive the continuous improvement using the cLean Concept.
Values stream mapping for the increase the yield and capability and decrease the No values adding

Mohamed Ouaguenouni's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. ICH
  2. Quality by Design
  3. Quality Control analytical expertise
  4. EU Pharmcopeas, USP and British Pharmacopeas
  5. Quality management system on pharmaceutical Industry
  6. Lead Auditor ISO 9001 Quality Management System
  7. Good Manufacturing practice
  8. Drive the continuous improvement using the operational excellence culture
  9. Qualification, validation and metrology on the pharmaceutical industry

Mohamed Ouaguenouni's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I implemented a lot of kaizen for handling more easy the routine work on the QC and QA department
  2. I installed at the QC laboratory a Magic pigeonry, which play the role of QC Manager for handling, sample, batch records, data's and planning, review and release
  3. I developed a system for handling the daily work on the QC laboratory