Problem Solver

Muhammad Umair

Areas Muhammad Umair is Knowledgeable in:

Human Physiology, Biochemistry. Especially Neurophysiology.

Techniques Muhammad Umair Uses:

Both theoretical as well as experimental designs.

Muhammad Umair's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Theoretical skills to solve scientific problems

Muhammad Umair's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have theoretically proposed that the physical, socioeconomic and psychiatric difference between us and our versions in a parallel universe is subject to time relativeness.
  2. I have once devised a neurophysiological experimental design. Basically, I believe that our brain has got immense powers to fill small left out gaps and blanks in the visual perspective to make out a smooth visual experience.
  3. Im a theoretical scientist.
    I have solved a problem of whether infinity is absolute or relative.. I proved it to be a relative entity. (To check out the solution, please ask me @ [email protected])