Problem Solver

Neal Rudin

Neal Rudin
I am an INTUITIVE and am able to understand the end product that has eluded those who follow the linear pathways. I can tune into the concept and ask the right questions since, as an intuitive, I see what the other imagines. I see the picture-on -the -puzzle-box...

Areas Neal Rudin is Knowledgeable in:

Adaptation of natures forms and processes. Grand scale problem solving for the greatest needs of the most people. multidimensional and socially beneficial enclaves of learning. "Psycho-dynamic-engines". Enlightenment centers.

Techniques Neal Rudin Uses:

What would nature use if give the material, needs that modern and ancient technologies if presented with this problem. The macrocosms view point based on an enlightened microcosm. The cells and the body evolving together. Nature does not create without a need. It does not waste its time. It does not create problems for itself in the future. Humor is essential to create a happy world. We create a world for our children and want them to keep laughing forever. Ego distracts and disrupts. Of the millions of flowers in the world only one is ugly and smells bad, yet we are surrounded by a world of ugly architecture and useless or worse products. Eligance of design must be maintained...

Neal Rudin's Problem Solving Skills:

  2. simplifier
  3. Seer of the big picture and purpose, IDEALIZATION... What would nature do in this case...
  4. machining and wood working
  5. Artistic renderings
  6. good asker of questions about elagance of purpose
  7. pick-up others thoughts in a emipithetic, co-deveoloping sort of way..
  8. Hater of stupid, low-head-pressure egos and disrespectors of a good simple idea
  9. Great sense of humor... Cabalistic tendancies
  10. visionary and a listener to the Nice Person who made us...

Neal Rudin's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Locust Eaters...
    Taking what has been considered a threat and nuisance, the locust plagues and create methods for collecting and processing what could amount to thousands of tons of these 85% protein rich organisms. by converting them into a viable and profitable food source for the poor countries of the world. Protein flour will be the best and most needed food in the future...
  2. Hiking pole, ski poles and crutches are all based on a foolish design. My product will replace them all and will cure much of the gravity effected people of the world. Have you ever used crutches, do you ever think that some one will ever like them?
  3. Inflatable solar technologies, housing, green houses... The leaf both benefits from the pressure of water and the chemical activity. Inflation within a tough skin can create a ridged structure that can be employed in a similar way that nature uses...
  4. Space stations need to be assembled out of small and complex pieces. BENIFACTORIES can extrude them using VACUUM FOAMS using foacused solar energy.
  5. Same technique as above... Floating Cities and support craft would be created using Vacuum Foams. These floating structure could not fall from the sky just like Styrofoam floats on the water...
  6. Erectable, hexagonal housing, that can be shipped in and assembled in minutes including greenhouses, porches, stairways and storage compartments...
  7. SAND HOUSING... The use of the most common substance and creating a myriad of housing and building technologies that would be most useful to the desert dweller of the world. A totally adaptable and scalable way to solve the vast problems of human habitation in the growing deserts of the world...
  8. Rochester, NY, the city of George Eastman has no clue of its own identity. We are the Imging Center of the World and don't have a real self-image. Without Rochester there is no HOLLYWOOD and yet it took us 100 yrs. to get a film festival. We make millionaires and billionaires and don't understand how to benefit from this profound opportunity. I proposed and started to design a "World Imaging Center" to attract the world back to the source of its enlightenment, the home of Magic-Picture Film. The source and substance that forever change the course and pace of history. We are the well-spring of the modern worlds awareness....
  9. We have a unique structure, The Broad Street Aqueduct Bridge over the Genesee River. It is the only large scale covered bridge/canal comparable the the Ponte Veccio ,in Florance, Italy and convert it into and international cafe' district complex. It would incorporating all of our sister cities and societal needs and a networking center into a new heart, mind and spiritual hub that will draw the world and ourselves together. This place would rival the Epcot Center of Disney World and yet would be much more accessible and open 18hrs. a day...
  10. Green House Barges. Barges converted using inflatable domes, conveyor technology, hydo-aquaculture and and recycling of wastes into a fish and vegetable producing, mobile food, factory. It has trait similar to the design of the Euglena. A half animal/ half plant microorganism that can move itself to where its chloroplasts can gather more light...