Problem Solver

Nicholas Burgis

Nicholas Burgis

Areas Nicholas Burgis is Knowledgeable in:

boichemistry, bacterial genetics, protein metabolism, protein engineering, DNA repair, drug metabolism, protein stability, bioterrorism & biodefense

Techniques Nicholas Burgis Uses:

protein engineering
bacterial genetics
protein metabolism assays

Nicholas Burgis's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. bacterial genetics
  2. biochemistry research
  3. undergraduate teaching in biochemistry
  4. DNA repair research

Nicholas Burgis's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I identified a biochemical pathway for the detoxification of damaged DNA precursors.
  2. I identified the biochemical mechanism underlying a certain phenotype cause by a human polymorphism.
  3. I identified a biochemical mechanism that contributes to chemoresistance in multiple myeloma cells.