Problem Solver

Rosemond Opare-Kumi

Areas Rosemond Opare-Kumi is Knowledgeable in:

research, marketing, education, health, population, statistics, community development

Techniques Rosemond Opare-Kumi Uses:

listening, building consensus, utilising evidence, trial-testing, accepting and correcting mistakes, taking risks,

Rosemond Opare-Kumi's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. music - composition, tutoring learners to play guitar and piano
  2. Marketing - marketing research, reporting
  3. Hospitality - management of hospitality industry
  4. Healthcare - healthy policy development
  5. Education - curriculum development, editing
  6. Communication -communication strategy development
  7. professional problem solver - problem analysis
  8. publishing - editing of manuscripts
  9. research - analysis and interpretation of results
  10. interpersonal relationships - counseling

Rosemond Opare-Kumi's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. developed a strategy for the involvement of men in reproductive health in Botswana
  2. Researched and developed 2 strategies for improving aid effectiveness for HIV/AIDS in Rwanda and Botswana
  3. Mobilised Faith-based and civil society for population and health interventions Lesotho and Ghana.
  4. Built capacity for coordinating population and health programming in 110 districts in Ghana
  5. Established a skills transfer mechanism for community development in Zimbabwe as part of a poverty alleviation plan for the country
  6. developed an HIV/AIDS communication strategy for children and youth in Botswana
  7. Edited 15 school text books for successful subscription and publishing for schools in Botswana
  8. established a quality assurance mechanism for developing and producing health information and communication materials.