Problem Solver

Thomas Leustek

Thomas Leustek

Areas Thomas Leustek is Knowledgeable in:

Plant and Microbial Biology, Plant and Microbial Biochemistry, Plant and Microbial Physiology, Plant Cell Biology, Plant and Microbial Molecular Biology, Plant and Microbial Genomics, Plant and Microbial Metabolism, Plant and Microbial Gene Regulation, Metabolic Pathways

Techniques Thomas Leustek Uses:

I rely on my broad knowledge in biology to direct me to specific information sources that relate to the problem at hand and to use my existing and newly acquired knowledge to devise solutions. My method relies on techniques that I have developed over many years experience to organize information in such a way that I am able to see patterns or identify gaps. In my experience, there are always several possible solutions to a problem, which I systematically test through experimentation. I rely on my broad fundamental and applied knowledge of molecular biology and biochemistry to develop rapid methods to test the possible solutions.

Thomas Leustek's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Ability to be decisive
  2. reasoning
  3. thinking
  4. experimentation
  5. problem solving
  6. affability
  7. organization

Thomas Leustek's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I discovered that plants and certain bacteria produce the amino acid cysteine via a pathway that is different from the pathway that was then known to exist. The discovery opens the possibility metabolic engineering the production of cysteine and the essential amino acid methionine.
  2. I developed a method for increasing the content of the potato flavor chemical methional in potato.
  3. I developed a marker gene to select for the production of transgenic plants.
  4. I discovered that plants and certain bacteria produce the amino acid lysine via a pathway that is different from the pathway that was then known to exist in nature. The discovery points the way for identification of new herbicides and antibiotics.
  5. I have devised numerous assay methods to study the function of enzymes.
  6. I have devised numerous assay methods to study the function of nutrient sensors in plant cells.
  7. I helped a company evaluate a technology for producing a human therapeutic protein in plants.
  8. I developed a transgenic method to increase the amount of the essential amino acid methionine in corn kernels.
  9. I have devised methods to rapidly identify the genes for specific metabolic functions.