Problem Solver

Tim Weber

I have a background rooted deeply in logic, mathematics, and computer science; which is to say that I specialize in solving problems and coming up with optimal solutions. I work effectively and learn very quickly if and when I am motivated.

Areas Tim Weber is Knowledgeable in:

Probability, Computer Science, Logic, Economics, Maximization, Linear Algebra

Techniques Tim Weber Uses:

I approach problems from a mathematical and logical standpoint, keeping in mind that most problems have many solutions. An optimal solution is usually feasible, if only because a party's utility can usually be maximized.

Tim Weber's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. I specialize in logic, probability, and assigning value (utility)

Tim Weber's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. After my bike was hit by a car I was left without transportation. I took a day in my garage and taught myself bike repair. I now repair bikes for all of my associates.