Problem Solver

A Hemanth Reddy

A Hemanth Reddy

Areas A Hemanth Reddy is Knowledgeable in:

Business, Media, Government, Marketing, Creative Ads, Content Writer

A Hemanth Reddy's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. New Policies Ideology
  2. Marketing Ideas
  3. Financial Analyst
  4. Decision Analysis
  5. Creative Writer
  6. Communication
  7. Problem Solver
  8. Content Writer

A Hemanth Reddy's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I worked with a creative ad agency for only one project planning an ad for a perfume company
  2. I work with government agencies they take my suggestions regarding implementing any policy or freebies
  3. I developed a system in Hyderabad, a city in India to reduce crime rate in city and crime rate reduced by almost 50%