Problem Solver

Alexander Hunt

Alexander Hunt

Areas Alexander Hunt is Knowledgeable in:

Astronomy, Programming, inventions, Health, Geography, Engineering, Infrastructure.

Techniques Alexander Hunt Uses:

Root cause analysis, Problematic solver, Brainstorming, observer, reverse thinker, precise strategy, lateral thinking.

Alexander Hunt's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Social communications
  2. Idealist
  3. Geology
  4. Fitness
  5. Earth sciences
  6. Astronomy
  7. Programming
  8. Engineering

Alexander Hunt's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. In development of making cheap, healthier and sustainable alternatives for food and commercial based products and have multiple strategies into solving them.
  2. Strategizing new efficient and cost saving ways for companies to safe money and environmental pollution by using new simplistic natural resources that doesn't evolve chemicals but natural alternatives like solar, water and wind solutions.
  3. I developed multiple strategies to provide low cost alternative Materials for infrastructure companies to save them money and time efficiency.
  4. I developed a adaptable, self improved, simplistic but complex game engine using basic programming.
  5. I built a low cost solar dynamic energy machine to make a water filter without use of chemicals for environmental purposes and entertainment.