Problem Solver

Alexander Karafinka

Alexander Karafinka

Areas Alexander Karafinka is Knowledgeable in:

Development my invention ,Patent PCT for next model

Techniques Alexander Karafinka Uses:

What problems solves the concept
Concept ''Shoe Dryer'' is a combined device that solves the following problems;
1.Drying wet shoes: normal and leather shoes (delicate cycle), of any size,
2. fast drying- turbo mode (dual blower,patented )
3.drying all things in delicate form (static) wool sweaters, hats, underwear, etc.
4.ventilation of the shoe when the feet sweat
5.removing odor in drying wet shoes or ventilation with a filter.
6.use of the device is convenient for the elderly and disabled as the shelf
Rises to the hends.
7.intended for daily use as a comfortable seat for putting on shoes. suitable for large people with a weight of 140 kg.
8.Storage 4-5 pairs of shoes
Huge market opportunities. Millions of consumers around the world. Exclusive product ,
There is nothing like that on the market.

Alexander Karafinka's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have worked in new product development.
    A new drying and ventilation shoes Technology -
    Mode ''TURBO'' –blowing from outside and inside through a special
    tubes at the same time. – Double drying Speed.Special delicate mode
    for leather items. Air Filter from smeel. Mobile shelf
    (semi-automatic) for lifts things right into the hands.