Problem Solver

Ari WB Raharjo

Ari WB Raharjo

Areas Ari WB Raharjo is Knowledgeable in:

agriculture, management and market research

Techniques Ari WB Raharjo Uses:

Define the problem: Clearly define the problem you are facing. This involves identifying the symptoms, the cause, and the impact of the problem.

Generate possible solutions: Brainstorm possible solutions to the problem. Write down all the ideas that come to mind without evaluating them.

Evaluate the solutions: Evaluate the pros and cons of each possible solution. Consider the feasibility, cost, and potential outcomes of each solution.

Choose the best solution: After evaluating the possible solutions, choose the one that you believe is the best. This may involve combining different ideas or modifying a solution to make it more effective.

Implement the solution: Develop a plan to implement the chosen solution. Identify the resources, timeline, and necessary steps to put the solution into action.

Monitor the results: Once the solution has been implemented, monitor the results to ensure that the problem has been solved. If necessary, make adjustments to the solution or consider alternative options.

Ari WB Raharjo's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. market research, event organizer, management, training

Ari WB Raharjo's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I had provided market research for some products with many clients
    I had provided recommendation for marketing product based on market research analysis
    I had writen many articles for journal and magazines