Problem Solver

Austin Dale

Austin Dale

Areas Austin Dale is Knowledgeable in:

I am interested in electrical engineering challenges, especially opportunities that benefit from out-of-the-box thinking. I am exceptionally well equipped to assess and devise solutions that require integration between multiple engineering disciplines.

Techniques Austin Dale Uses:

1. Analytical Thinking: I analyze complex systems, circuits, and problems to identify issues and design effective solutions. I break down problems into manageable components.
2. Critical Thinking: I evaluate different solutions and then make informed decisions. I assess the feasibility and effectiveness of various approaches to find the optimal solution.
3. Creativity: Innovation plays a crucial role in my process. Creative thinking allows me to develop novel solutions, design new circuits and tools, or optimize existing systems inventively.
4. Attention to Detail: Electrical/ mechanical systems require precision, and minor errors can lead to significant problems. I can identify and rectify design issues with keen attention to detail, ensuring the systems' accuracy and reliability.
5. Systematic Approach: My approach involves breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable tasks. A systematic approach allows me to systematically address each aspect of the problem, leading to an organized problem-solving process.
6. Collaboration: Effective communication and collaboration skills have been a core focus, especially when working on interdisciplinary projects. Collaborating with team members and experts from different fields provides diverse perspectives and leads to more robust solutions. I ensure that the best ideas from the best people find their place in the big picture.
7. Troubleshooting Skills: The ability and experience to troubleshoot and diagnose issues in electrical/ mechanical systems is integral to foreseeing problems before they arise and dealing with them quickly if they do.
8. Continuous Learning: My fields of interest are dynamic, with constant technological advancements. I embrace continuous learning to stay updated on the latest developments and integrate new knowledge into my problem-solving approaches.
9. Adaptability: I am always ready to encounter unexpected challenges or changes in project requirements. Adaptability allows me to adjust strategies and devise innovative solutions to meet evolving needs.
10. Risk Assessment: Identifying potential risks and assessing their impact is crucial. There is always a critical need to anticipate challenges, evaluate possible consequences, and implement risk mitigation strategies.

Austin Dale's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. IT and network infrastructure experience
  2. Fine wood working and cabinetry expertise
  3. Residential structural engineering
  4. End of line electrical tests in electric vehicle industry
  5. Automotive wire harness design and building
  6. electric vehicle component design (electrical and mechanical)
  7. Sr. electrical engineer in the electric vehicle industry (heavy duty class 7 & 8 trucks)
  8. residential construction project manager
  9. 13 years residential cunstruction/ remodeling
  10. Torque and tooling engineer in electric vehicle industry
  11. Manufacturing engineer in electric vehicle industry
  12. Mechanical Engineer in the recreational vehicle industry
  13. Sr. engineering manager in electric vehicle industry
  14. AutoCAD
  15. PCB design
  16. CNC machines (I've built CO2 lasers, 3D printers, CNC routers)
  17. Fusion360
  18. engineering cross functional team lead in electric vehicle industry
  19. 3D printing
  20. High voltage plasma physics (I have design and built Tesla Coils as a hobby for 10 years)

Austin Dale's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I am designing the entire digital deshboard and infotainment system for a heavy duty class 7 electric truck.
  2. I built all new computers for every employee at the RV company and optimized each of them to the employee's specific needs, from payroll to engineering and plant management.
  3. I overhauled the entire moving manufacturing line for an electric vehicle startup company. The facility was initially built to manufacture the Hummer H2, which an EV startup bought. This included new tooling/ fixturing, network, PLC controllers, electronic communications and data acquisition of all production line equipment and vehicle build/ test data, Dynamic vehicle test booth (DVT or Rolls), non-contact wheel alignment machine, fluid fills machine, VIN etching machine, operator guidance systems...
  4. I have been the lead engineer in every troubleshooting, root cause analysis, and resolution strategy at two electric vehicle companies for three years. I have leveraged what I learned every time to solve the next issue with a focus on skill stacking.
  5. I designed and built all the subsystem and end-of-line electrical test equipment for the electric vehicle manufacturing company I work for, including software flashing and diagnostics.
  6. I created and patented a mechanism for recreational vehicles slide out rooms to allow the floor to sit flush when the room is fully extended. This patent is still being processed at the USTPO.
  7. I took a small custom RV company from producing five custom units a week to consistently producing ten per week with strategic large volume ramps up to 20 a week. I was the sole engineer at the RV company for five years, and for every obstacle that occurred, I was in charge of solving and implementing. I interacted with every worker on the manufacturing floor to create a seamless process flow with minimal waste, employing LEAN methodologies.