Problem Solver

Barbarosh Iurie

Areas Barbarosh Iurie is Knowledgeable in:

sustainable develoopment, circular economy, energetic efficiency and storage

Techniques Barbarosh Iurie Uses:

deduction, induction, Euler Circles, Paretto Rule, interviews, SMART principle, cantitative and qualitative analysis

Barbarosh Iurie's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. modeling
  2. time management
  3. micromanagement
  4. relationing skills
  5. amazing deduction and induction and formal logic skills
  6. projection and empaty
  7. conflicts solving set

Barbarosh Iurie's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I managed to keep my properties through business skills without ever appearing on loans and financial subsidies.
  2. I managed to close an illegal slaughterhouse of pigs by my power of conviction and influence on people;
  3. I manage a 1.2355269073 acre of property all by myself for 7 years - with orchard, animals, pond with fish, beehive farm using my own skills and intuition;
  4. I developed a service-product business that lasts more than 13 years using my photographic memory;
  5. I build a house from sustainable second-hand materials using my regional networking skills;