Problem Solver

Benjamin Okwudili

Areas Benjamin Okwudili is Knowledgeable in:

Fermentation Technology( Winnery, Organic animal
Tannery( Leather& Furs) Technology
Cosmetics Technology( Formulation& development of anti- ageing serum, lotions,creams& cleansers)

Techniques Benjamin Okwudili Uses:

Arriving at solution through working with the first principles.

Benjamin Okwudili's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Fermentation technology
  2. Mathematics- Algebra

Benjamin Okwudili's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have taught grades 9 to 12 students pre- calculus and most of them scored very high marks in the grade 12 final examinations.
    Many of them, graduated from institutions of higher learning as scientists.
  2. I have researched ,formulated & tested with excellent result,organic animal probiotics.
  3. I built up a strategy for a large chemical/ tanning company to earn more money and huge exportation worldwide.