Problem Solver

Brady Moran

Brady Moran

Areas Brady Moran is Knowledgeable in:

Behaviors of employees
Working with all levels of management down to hourly employees

Techniques Brady Moran Uses:

Persuasive techniques

Brady Moran's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Machine guarding
  2. Behavioral based safety
  3. Training techniques
  4. Dealing with Executive management
  5. Idea pitching to gain funding
  6. Persuasive techniques to justify safety funding
  7. Critical thinking
  8. Program solutions

Brady Moran's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have created an excel format training database that is versatile in all workplaces
  2. I have created multiple safety initiative games to use in the workplace
  3. I have bridged many gaps to ensure funding for a specific safety based solution from top management... my system is written down