Problem Solver

Brian Tweedy

Brian Tweedy

Areas Brian Tweedy is Knowledgeable in:

I am very knowledgeable in Quality Engineering.

Techniques Brian Tweedy Uses:

I use Six Sigma Lean Manufacturing and 8D Tools to solve problems.

Brian Tweedy's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Statistical Analysis (Minitab 18, Six Sigma Lean Manufacturing Tools, 8D Tools)
  2. Project Management (Project Integration, Scope, Stakeholder, Schedule, Cost, Quality, and Resource Management)
  3. Continuous Improvement
  4. CMM Programming (Geopak/MCOSMOS, Micro-Vu, QVPak, QV3DPak, and FormtracePak)

Brian Tweedy's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I wrote programs for a vision machine to shorten the amount of time it takes to measure parts.
  2. I helped work on a continuous improvement project that made interdepartmental and external communication more efficient.
  3. I worked with customers to find a root cause to a defect, I wrote the work instructions to check for the defect, and then I trained personnel on the work instructions.
  4. I verified/validated a corrective action that was a high priority on the FMEA.