Problem Solver

Christopher Bowen

Christopher Bowen

Areas Christopher Bowen is Knowledgeable in:

Psychology/parapsychology, psychosomatic interactions, business/marketing, movie/entertainment industry, society/civilization, the environment/animal rights, global agendas/propaganda and of course.. The unknown.

Techniques Christopher Bowen Uses:

First, I take a look at the issue as objectively as possible and eliminate any confirmation bias I might have (it's not possible to be 100% objective, however an awareness of it at the very least). I take a step back and look at it from all angles and perspectives to gain a better understanding of the whole picture. From here, I take an in-depth look from all sides, using as much raw/concrete data I can find. Depending on the type of problem, there may be many solutions, or none at all. I find that people with less emotional attachment, or knowledge in general on the subject, often provide the solution. Innovative/abstract approaches are just as effective, if not more so, than the academic/by-the-book method when it comes to scientific breakthroughs, or personal epiphanies.

Christopher Bowen's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have devoted countless hours (free) to individual counseling to help people find effective solutions to their problems with interpersonal relationships, communication, financial advice and overall well-being.
  2. I have done extensive statistical/observational research on human behavior and have discovered patterns in society with a degree predictability.
  3. There is a massive amount of money/studies invested into the science behind advertisements and marketing tactics that people are not only ignorant about, but subjected to on a daily basis. I'm keenly aware of these subtle, yet powerful subconscious methods that, I believe, border on outright theft and human rights infringement.