Problem Solver

Daniel Abode

Daniel Abode

Areas Daniel Abode is Knowledgeable in:

Electrical and electronics engineering, programming, CAD design, animation.

Techniques Daniel Abode Uses:

Programming and CAD design.

Daniel Abode's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Programming
  2. Software development
  3. Web development
  4. MATLAB programming, simulation, gui design and modelling
  5. Auto cad electrical service design
  6. 3D modelling and animation
  7. Mobile app development using Java, c#, mitapp inventor
  8. Networking with python
  9. Back-end development with python
  10. CAD design
  11. Electric power simulation with ETAP and MATLAB
  12. Teaching
  13. Database development and management
  14. Communication system simulation with MATLAB
  15. Electronic circuit design and prototyping
  16. Embedded system programming, design and prototyping using microcontroller, arduino, node MCU, raspberry pi
  17. PCB design
  18. Inverter design

Daniel Abode's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I developed mobile application
  2. I developed embedded system project
  3. I developed inverter