Problem Solver

Emmanuel Jimoh

Emmanuel Jimoh

Areas Emmanuel Jimoh is Knowledgeable in:

Prayer and spiritual intelligent

Emmanuel Jimoh's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Professional problems solver

Emmanuel Jimoh's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I was able to solved people financial problems through prayer and important direction.
  2. I solved 2 years old break up relationship issue between husband and wife.
  3. I brought back hope to old friend from high school to a tertiary educational level after he drop out of school.
  4. I was able to revive a person from mental depression with prayers and encouragement.
  5. I was able to decode some family root of problems and gave necessary solution to it by using spiritual intelligent and prayers.
  6. I solved some one problem diagonalized of breast cancer, with intensified deliverance prayers
  7. I was able to investigate a crimes successfully using spiritual intelligent.
  8. I was able to find solution to business going through economic recession and difficulties, by given encouragement and other necessary support.