Problem Solver

Eugeniu Rotari

Areas Eugeniu Rotari is Knowledgeable in:

Chemistry, Physics, Material Science, Photonics, Metrology, Electronics, Automation, Biology, Innovations, Signal Processing, Image Processing, Programming, Problem Solving, Education, AI, Entrepreneurship, Neuroscience, Cognition.

Techniques Eugeniu Rotari Uses:

TRIZ - The Theory for Solving Innovative Problems;
Chemistry - fundamental knowledge about atomic and molecular structure.
Wave Theory applied to physical properties of materials

Eugeniu Rotari's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Programming
  2. Problem Solving
  3. Foreign Languages
  4. Painting
  5. Arts
  6. Creative Writing
  7. Web Design
  8. Material Science
  9. Holography
  10. Prototyping
  11. Photonics
  12. Optics
  13. Physics
  14. Chemistry of the polymers
  15. Chemistry
  16. Metrology
  17. Electronics
  18. Research
  19. Research and Development
  20. Optical Design
  21. Computer Science

Eugeniu Rotari's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I developed a method for controlling optical inhomogenities in glass and other vitreous media.
  2. I developed a system for recording high efficiency holographic elements.
  3. I developed a patented technology for stretching and compression of ultra-short optical pulses.
  4. I developed a patented technology for intuitive mastering of the touch typing skill.
  5. I developed a method for production of photosensitive optical fibers.