Problem Solver

Franz Dill

Areas Franz Dill is Knowledgeable in:

Analytics, Data Science, Machine Learning, Optimization, Artificial Intelligence.

Techniques Franz Dill Uses:

Data Decision Scientist. In particular in application areas that use or combine data analytics, decision processes and cognitive interaction. Experienced in designing,evaluating and delivering systems in the enterprise to executives and decision makers in a Fortune100 company known for Analytics excellence. Experience with R, SAS, SPSS, Splunk, System Modeler, BPM systems, Tableau, Spotfire, Optimization Mathematics (CPlex). Lisp, Expert Systems ... Managed the design, construction and delivery of dozens of systems that led to hundreds of millions of dollars in confirmed value. A sought out resource for the solution of the most wicked problems. Consulting with IBM on the application of Watson based Advisory Systems. A Writer, Explainer, Solver, Innovator. Multiple University board and advisory connections.

Franz Dill's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Data Decision Scientist. In particular in application areas that use or combine data analytics, decision processes and cogniti

Franz Dill's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. - Founder and leader P&G Analytics Competency Group.
    - Founding member of P&G biometric data gathering and analysis group.
    - Board Member: University of Cincinnati School of Business, Quantitative Analysis
  2. - Pioneer in the use of advanced business analytics and the use of interactive visualization techniques. Invited speaker on this topic at many companies and universities.
  3. - Constructed a novel system to visualize and optimize P&G’s North American Finished Product Sourcing system, which led to $275 million in savings. This system was a finalist in the Informs Edelman award competition. This project is now featured as a case study in a best-selling management sciences text.
    - Team leader in development of an expert system to blend Folgers coffee. This system, still in use today, has saved P&G in excess of $20 million dollars a year in green coffee costs.
    - Member of P&G Artificial Intelligence Core Team, a group that collaborated with Teknowledge Inc, to deliver several key AI applications to the company. Multi-million dollars of value produced.
  4. - Founder, Director, Procter & Gamble’s Retail Innovation Center, now replicated at 18 other global sites.
    - Consultant to China’s BJ Hualian Innovation Center Project. Mentioned in their 2004 Annual Report.
    - Established networking team to bring in professional networks like LinkedIn to P&G
  5. - Team member and consultant to deliver focused BI capabilities via dashboards to key managers at P&G
    - Research Fellow, SNCR ‘Society of New Communications Research’
    - Author of many internal articles on emergent technology solutions. Editor of an internal P&G blog that is read by over a thousand people a week.
    - Developed portfolio visualization system for use by P&G executives to understand research portfolios. This method is now featured in RG Cooper’s classic book on portfolio analysis
  6. - Corporate representative to the Institute for the Future, a Silicon Valley technology futures group.
    - Invited speaker on the use of emerging technologies at a number of internal and external venues, including Rutgers University, Wharton Business School, MIT, University of Cincinnati, Xavier University, University of Chicago Business School, Cornell University, University of Kentucky, Informs, and the Santa Fe Institute.