Problem Solver

Frederick Simkin

Frederick Simkin

Areas Frederick Simkin is Knowledgeable in:

The development and governance of Knowledge Based Systems

Techniques Frederick Simkin Uses:

Knowledge Acquisition, Knowledge Modeling, Knowledge Architecting, Iterative Development

Frederick Simkin's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Decision Modeling
  2. Rule-Based Programming (All flavors)
  3. Natural Language Processing
  4. Business Process Modeling
  5. Business Process Design
  6. Business Process Management
  7. Business Process Re-Engineering
  8. Case-Based Reasoning
  9. Agile Scrum Development Methodology

Frederick Simkin's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. For a large mortgage bank I developed a system, which used business rules to insured compliance and consistency (legal and institutional) in underwriting practices regardless of the underwriter’s skill level. In addition the system insured that perspective clients were offered products, which not only met their needs but also, would maximize the return to the company.
  2. For a large insurance company I was a key project lead/developer of an application which reads unformatted texts from heath insurance application, understands the meaning of the text and determines if the meaning of the text is sufficiently benign to allow continued processing of the application or will require the intervention of a human underwriter. This project required the creation of two distinct rule bases. One, to parse the actual text and understand the meaning of the responses. The second contains the rules representing the actual underwriting policies practices and procedures. Development of the system involved knowledge elicitation from the corporate staff. Establishing a testing and verification process and technical transfer.
  3. For a large consumer products company, I developed an intelligent configuration system for the industrial systems sales force. The unit sold a highly customized product. Prior to the implementation of the system, the sales personnel in consultation with the client would configure a system and fax an order to the factory. Manufacturing would review the order and frequently return it to the sales team as impossible to build. This would force sales to return to the client resulting in hard feelings and lost sales. The configuration system prevented the creation of an impossible system and in addition priced the system on the spot. The result was reduced manufacturing cost, faster deliveries and higher customer satisfaction.