Problem Solver

Furundzic Dijana

Furundzic Dijana

Areas Furundzic Dijana is Knowledgeable in:

dental prostetics,pedriatric dentistry,preventive dentistry,anti-aging medicine

Furundzic Dijana's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. my specific skill is in antiaging medicine

Furundzic Dijana's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Me and my team developed and patented UVC sterilisator, this project is now in stadium of making prototipe
  2. Me and my team participate in international exsibition of innovation "pronalazastvo 2013" and get award Silver Medal with Nicola Tesla's face.
  3. Me and my team developed and patented Instrument for tooth color determination , that simulate upper front teeth, so patients participate activly in choosing tooth color. We built prototipe of this instrument and today we research the effectiveness of of this instrumente.