Problem Solver

Georgios Gazetas

Georgios Gazetas

Areas Georgios Gazetas is Knowledgeable in:

Economics, Finance, Sports, Hospitality.

Georgios Gazetas's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. - I have developed a tool that provides accurate data on a daily cash items with regards to trade receivables securitisation. Therefore, using this tool, client on-boarding and deal monitoring and reporting can be instant.
    - I have developed a spreadsheet that is used for cost updates on complex projects, with a lot of different teams involved. The spreadsheet gives the user the chance to choose either fixed fx or real time fx and it has the ability to update the fx every minute, without having the data source open.
    - I have experience as a basketball coach and have managed to turn an almost bankrupt club, to a functioning one with over 80 players on the youth teams.