Problem Solver

Harold Sokyrka

Areas Harold Sokyrka is Knowledgeable in:

Sustainability, Circular Economy, Waste Diversion, Post Consumer Recycling Practices.

Techniques Harold Sokyrka Uses:

All Municipalities and MRF Waste an Recycling facilities to help to Achieve Net Zero Plastic by 2030

Harold Sokyrka's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. A Solution to Plastics Pollution

Harold Sokyrka's Problem Solving Experience:


    This Process was sold into 19 Countries
  2. Patent Pending “Kwik BagIt Closed-Loop Rewards Recycling System.” which successful retrieves over 80 % of all types of plastic resins and metal cans which are pre-sorted & sent directly to re-processors, before they enter traditional single stream MRF Conveyor Systems and Landfills.
    It is a "Solution to Plastics Pollution." Check out this simple, common-sense approach to diverting valuable materials from the landfills and waterways. This is a “ground floor opportunity” which can be implemented in every facility that does sorting of post-consumer recycling material.
    We are looking for a Master Licensees in USA, Canada, Europe, and Asia who would be interested in collaborating with Idea Connection to assist me in this challenge. It will require an NDA/Non competition Agreement to be signed before we can discuss further. Please send me the email address for your CEO so that I can forward a copy.