Problem Solver

Hassan Ghasemi

Hassan Ghasemi

Areas Hassan Ghasemi is Knowledgeable in:

I love business development by creating new ideas and importing innovation into businesses. And also I'm a product manager (software) and I can help teams with product, agile, and scrum.
I'm left-handed and I'm sure that you know the differences between right-handed and left-handed people.

Techniques Hassan Ghasemi Uses:

I have deep problem-solving skills. I can play with available data and analyze them and make an acceptable and maybe best result.

Hassan Ghasemi's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Idea Pivot & Innovation
  2. Scrum Master
  3. Product Management
  4. Wordpress

Hassan Ghasemi's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I helped my friend validate his idea and find his specific market target. He wasted a lot of money before that.
  2. I helped the company that I'm working for solve its task management problems. There were some problems in the company despite of employees' hard work.