Problem Solver

Hossam Ayasrah

Hossam Ayasrah

Areas Hossam Ayasrah is Knowledgeable in:


Hossam Ayasrah's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Creative Skills
  2. Soft Skills
  3. Technical Skills

Hossam Ayasrah's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. - Developed a new filing system for a small business, reducing the time spent searching for documents by 50%.

    - Created a weekly cleaning schedule for a household, reducing the time and effort needed to keep the home clean and organized.

    - Implemented a new exercise routine for a sedentary individual, resulting in improved physical health and increased energy levels.

    - Designed a meal plan for a busy individual, making it easier to eat healthy and save time on meal preparation.

    - Established a study schedule for a student struggling with time management, resulting in improved grades and reduced stress.

    - Installed a new security system for a home, increasing the safety and peace of mind for the homeowners.

    - Developed a budget plan for a family, helping them save money and reduce financial stress.

    - Organized a closet using a new storage system, making it easier to find and access clothing and accessories.