Problem Solver

Ifeanyi Maduagwuna

Ifeanyi Maduagwuna

Areas Ifeanyi Maduagwuna is Knowledgeable in:

Marketing, Sales, decision analysis, risk analysis, operation research, organisation, and customer relations

Techniques Ifeanyi Maduagwuna Uses:

I built a Strategy to promote a Talent hunt record company.

Ifeanyi Maduagwuna's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Marketing and Sales
  2. Project Management
  3. Operation research
  4. Customer Relations
  5. Human Resource Management
  6. Risk Analysis.
  7. Decision Analysis

Ifeanyi Maduagwuna's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I was able to convince customers to patronize my poultry business and made huge sales.
  2. I worked with a team as a leader to raise capital from the public to finance the distribution of books and other items in large quantities to Schools and orphanages
  3. I have worked with a lot organizations and managed alot of human resources.