Problem Solver

Ivan Camargo

Areas Ivan Camargo is Knowledgeable in:

manufacturing, production, mechanical, machines, process, labor and cost reduction, productivity, improvements, new parts development,

Ivan Camargo's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. mechanical design, leadership, operation and production , productivity,

Ivan Camargo's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I worked as tool designer developing a prototype for a new electrical motor for a Boeing contest.
    I designed machines and dies as example a machine to do a riveting operation in a production line increasing productivity (but elimination the work of about 20 people)
    I built a flow process to run an AG mechanical shop where labor, repairs, parts, expenses, customers needs, records, priorities work for the company benefit
    I have to solve problems daily with mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic parts in how to modify, re-work, make new or create a new way to keep running machinery and helping deciding how operations can run in production areas