Problem Solver

James Fogle

James Fogle

Areas James Fogle is Knowledgeable in:

Knowlegeable: packaging--retail and club store--27 years experience

Interested: how things work and the great "why" of almost everything

Techniques James Fogle Uses:

Define the problem---a problem well defined is a problem half solved, research, sketch ideas, collaborate & brain storm, test, discover other solutions through trial and error, and always ask "why".

James Fogle's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Consumer products: I worked with a very large group of companies (about 48) for retail and club store packaging challenges.
  2. Packaging: thirty-one packaging patents, seven paperboard packaging awards, Graphic Packaging Innovationand Design Leadership
  3. Research: everything
  4. Design: observe, research, analyze, and then execute plans---discover solutions through trial and error

James Fogle's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I co-developed Z-Flute which is a process for laminating board where strength of the carton is necessary. This is a proprietary process for Graphic Packaging International.
  2. I have 31 packaging design patents ----
  3. I developed a marketing plan or an industrial design firm and also made models for industry shows.
  4. I developed the current Capri Sun style juice box carton working as a team with GPI and the customer production, sales, and marketing to yield multi-million cartons.
  5. I co-developed a packaging solution called Vertipack for a machineable and stackable produce carton used worldwide.
  6. I developed designs for the retail and shelf ready markets and the club store markets including detergent, cat litter, cookies, crackers, can goods, ice cream, yogurt, candy, cereal, pet food, juice pouches and plastic containers, beverage containers (can, bottle, and plastic), fast food, bag-in-box, paper products, etc.