
Janet Mlinar

Medical mainly. A nano tech bandage that alerts nurses that the bandage needs changing. A cool down vest for infants as well as adults based on there current temperature. An avoid a bump bumper stickers for industrial workers so they know when they are getting to close to a hazardous situation. And many, many, more. Most listed on Edison Nation.

Although I may not have inventions that are patented, I do have one that I started. It is on Linked In as well. I gave this one up to serve the
greater good as it was much larger and harder than I expected to patent. However it is all stated on Linked In. The idea pertains to any emergency that a cell phone could detect and automatically be sent as a 911 call. Whether it be a security threat or a medical emergency
the location and time and situation would all be recorded and sent to the proper officials for help. This was back in 2001.