Problem Solver

Joanell Paris-Santos

Joanell Paris-Santos

Areas Joanell Paris-Santos is Knowledgeable in:


Joanell Paris-Santos's Problem Solving Skills:

  3. M&A

Joanell Paris-Santos's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Develop a leadership training and mentorship program within the organization. Identify potential candidates early on and give them opportunities to take on more responsibilities, participate in cross-departmental projects, and engage in leadership training. Regular feedback and evaluations can help narrow down the best fit over time.
  2. Internal Leadership Development: Identify potential internal candidates who might be fit for the role. Start leadership training, mentorship, and provide them with more strategic responsibilities to gauge and prepare them.
    External Recruitment: If there are no suitable internal candidates, consider hiring executive search firms to identify and recruit a potential successor.
    Structured Transition Period: Once a successor is chosen, have a clearly defined period (6 months to a year) where the outgoing CEO mentors and transitions responsibilities to the incoming CEO.
    Stakeholder Communication: Regularly update the board, employees, investors, and other key stakeholders about the transition plans and timelines.
  3. Business Valuation: Engage a professional to evaluate the worth of the clinic, taking into account assets, patient base, and financial records.
    Merger or Acquisition: Explore possibilities to merge with a larger healthcare entity or sell the practice to another healthcare provider. This ensures patients continue to receive care and the owner receives a fair price for their establishment.
    Transitioning to Management Companies: Contract a healthcare management company to handle the business side of the practice while gradually reducing clinical hours. Over time, the management company can fully take over or aid in the sale of the practice.
    Communicate with Stakeholders: Ensure patients, staff, and other stakeholders are informed about the transition in a manner that reduces anxiety and uncertainty.