Problem Solver

Joshua Foster

Areas Joshua Foster is Knowledgeable in:

Fishing, organization, teaching (in biotech)

Techniques Joshua Foster Uses:

Trial and error.
Research and test.
I also will ask others their ideas, then combine bits of each idea into one perfect working machine.

Joshua Foster's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. I carry a strong understanding of mechanics, and how various machines work, including vehicles.
  2. I have spent many years studying various fish species in the ocean. Learning how they migrate and how to catch them.
  3. I have decent experience working with and around computers, I have always been an efficient problem solver

Joshua Foster's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I developed a better method to test ammonia concentration in bacterial broth.
  2. I developed the inventory system for a company i used to work for in order to save money by keeping an actual inventory.