Problem Solver

Joshua Saporiti

Areas Joshua Saporiti is Knowledgeable in:

Physiology, Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, herbology, technology, personal care.

Techniques Joshua Saporiti Uses:

Mind-mapping. I generally enjoy creating empathic scenarios in a multi-dimensional space in my head after a few hours of browsing Reddit. Open, honest, and considerate communication between teammates is essential.

Joshua Saporiti's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. creative expression
  2. massage
  3. acupuncture
  4. meditation
  5. UX design
  6. holistic therapy
  7. asian medicine
  8. fitness

Joshua Saporiti's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I am developing an open source electronic health records system that provides unique data management solutions, encryption capabilities, and a personal database.
  2. I designed and implemented "Knead to Stretch" programs, a proprietary combination of massage and movement.