Problem Solver

Juan Aranda

Juan Aranda
"Your problem has been solved by somebody else in another industry, let's find out how you can apply it to your problem"

Areas Juan Aranda is Knowledgeable in:

manufacturing in general (but need to stay away from semiconductors due to conflict of interest)

Techniques Juan Aranda Uses:

Daily use of TRIZ, Lean, model-based 7-step problem solving

Juan Aranda's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. 5 years hands on problem solving facilitation
  2. 15 years experience in semiconductor manufacturing (lean manufacturing)
  3. Level3 certified TRIZ professional (all problems apply)
  4. comfortable working in virtual teams (cross-geo)

Juan Aranda's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. outside of my full time job in semiconductors, i've helped a range of technical and non-technical organizations/individuals (teachers, doctors, engineers). Have over 200 hours of teaching and facilitation experience for the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ). Also interested in "Common Good" problems with the possibliity of publishing results to the Altshuller Institute of TRIZ Studies and/or the TRIZ Journal. thanks.