Problem Solver

Jude Raphael Sinjeh

Areas Jude Raphael Sinjeh is Knowledgeable in:

AI, machine learning and Deep learning

Techniques Jude Raphael Sinjeh Uses:

1. find the problem to solve
2. define the problem
3. analyse the problem
4. develop possibilities
5. select the best solution
6. implementing
7. evaluate and learn

Jude Raphael Sinjeh's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. real time systems
  2. Design
  3. Programming
  4. Tensorflow
  5. Matlab
  6. C#, PHP, .NET
  7. Database Management
  8. Critical Thinking

Jude Raphael Sinjeh's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have built an electronics device producing ultrasound and electromagnetic waves to repel insects and unwanted animals in for homes and platations.