Problem Solver

Juha Tahvonen

Juha Tahvonen

Areas Juha Tahvonen is Knowledgeable in:

- Communication design, marketing,

Techniques Juha Tahvonen Uses:

1234 method (finding and evaluating problems, expectations, ideas and solutions)
Sales Sauna (a method to create complete sales speeches)
Brand Flower ( a method to manage a complete collection of brand assets)
Business Model Canvas and related canvases
SUCCESs -model (from the book "Made to Stick", to make ideas "stick")
STEPPS -model (from the book "Contagious" to make ideas go viral)

Juha Tahvonen's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. - 1234- method was used to create a winnning solution for a regional plan in the First Rovaniemi Design Week design competition.
  2. - 1234 method and STEPPS-model was used to create a winning solution to an international competition for creating a global movement for skin health awareness.
  3. - 1234 method was used to transform a car wash company to a chain of car washes by allowing unlimited washes for a monthly fee and using register plate recognising technology and web shop to fully automate the sales and wash process. This added value to the customer and almost tripled the income potential of the wash.
  4. - I have developed 1234-method for sor solving vairious design related problems.