Innovative People

Julian Powell

I am a visionary.a artist,plus blogger.i have ideas for possible inventions to be created,or just maby selling the ideas for payments.i have in previous years owned and had more then two homebased businesses that were successful.cataloge distribution,mail order selling products,person to person sales,door to door sales,internet sales on social media websites.i attended a business course in 2006 in the cape cod community college were I received a certificate of completion for the business course I had completed.the business course was sponsored from the s,c,o,r,e, business training and consulting office located in Hyannis massachuttes.i have tried business financeing too a couple of times when I was investing.i have more then seven years experience in customer service in working with various retail experience in sales online more in person to person sales though mostly succeeded with.i am open minded,respectful,honest,reliable,creative,smart,plus slightly disabled.i am currently working on a couple of entrepreneur projects involveing business ideas to make and begin in the next few months which will hopefully increase to possibly generate sales in comeing next couple of years to have happen.i am a proven entrepreneur ,with start ups in home based businesses,in previous years.i currently am attempting to sell my artwork,plus blogs on google + ,,, I am working on a couple ideas I hope to turn into publishing booklets,and my artwork,plus motivational reading materials for disabled people,handicapped,low income,plus less privigleded indivauls,to learn ways to make money as a example passive incomes ,also to get there foot in the doors as to become possible entreprenuers.

Languages Julian Powell speaks:
