Problem Solver

Kaleab Woldegiorgis

Areas Kaleab Woldegiorgis is Knowledgeable in:

Science, technology, psychology, sociology, electronics, marketing, Armagetronad ect...

Techniques Kaleab Woldegiorgis Uses:

Google, friends and family, few things I've picked up from here and there, understanding of core concepts/problems/solutions, free form thinking, professional training or schooling and much much more.

Kaleab Woldegiorgis's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. creative
  2. theororizer
  3. Open minded
  4. innovative
  5. aware
  6. conceptualize
  7. imaginative
  8. knowledgeable
  9. actualize
  10. efficient
  11. intuitive

Kaleab Woldegiorgis's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I've spent my whole life solving problems. From interpersonal relationships to getting 40 mpg out of a 26 mpg car.