Problem Solver

Kali Clark

Areas Kali Clark is Knowledgeable in:

I am particularly knowledgeable in feeling energies, "predicting" the future, connecting the dots, identifying solutions, creative thinking and performance, and always asking, "why not?" I.E. I can read you like an open book.

Areas that I am particularly interested in are: psychology, mental health; human behavior in all forms; the performing arts; innovative technology; VR; aesthetics; anything with color; films; music; pop culture; alcohol; communication; the art of conversation; men in suits

Kali Clark's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. market research and analysis
  2. emotional intelligence
  3. content
  4. copywriting
  5. public speaking
  6. connecting the dots
  7. intuitive insights
  8. Adobe Photoshop
  9. creative writing
  10. concept development
  11. performance
  12. fashion marketing & design
  13. public relations
  14. creative direction
  15. social media