Problem Solver

Kalib Loy

Areas Kalib Loy is Knowledgeable in:

Research, business, sales, entrepreneurship and making money.

Techniques Kalib Loy Uses:

By quickly creating a strategic plan and selling to every party involved before money and resources can create an issue. Building relationships with each professional that needs to be involved in creating new opportunity or breaking down a problem. Hard work and knowledge in who and how to make it happen.

Kalib Loy's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Organizing
  2. Planning
  3. Sales
  4. Business science
  5. Research
  6. People

Kalib Loy's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I designed a business that I gave to my grandmother. In 2005 she received the minority small business award from the federal government for tripling her net worth in two years. It has been in business for 12 years.
  2. I was the educational director for a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center and have help many along their way.
  3. I had a builders license for 5 years. The most exciting time was when I poured concrete with a helicopter for a ski patrol building on a mountain.
  4. Shortly after I purchased a company that held three business partners and grossed $120,000 per year. In 18 months I turned three into nine business partners and rolled $120,000 into $380,000.
  5. I started a window cleaning business in June of 2008 and grossed $102,000 by November of 2008 by strategically selling demographically in a city of 75,000 people that held a total family income of 40,300 per year.