Problem Solver

Katherine Phelps-Griffin

Areas Katherine Phelps-Griffin is Knowledgeable in:

law, civil rights, autism, business, education, health care administration.

Techniques Katherine Phelps-Griffin Uses:

I have always used acronymns in assisting myself in remembering large blocks of information for testing purposes; learning to play the piano; waiting on large groups of people; learning the spanish language and such.

Anytime I have dealt with aspects of business planning or analysis, I have utilized the SWOT analysis, whereby I have considered the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats at a given time as pertains to a given market or competitor.

When I have dealt with trying to accomplish a given job or objective where others were involved, I have used the approach whereby I utilize the current strengths of the given individuals in the best direction or area to accomplish the objective the most efficiently and peaceably.

I am very sensitive to the emotional element of a given situation and have learned from childhood to structure things such that the line of least resistance is taken.

Katherine Phelps-Griffin's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Autism Management

Katherine Phelps-Griffin's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I developed a business plan for an Autism Spectrum Disorder Sensory Integration Therapy Center for either profit or non-profit purposes.
    I guided my 7 children through 12 years of formative education without access to any electronic devices except a television and radio and without access to the outside world except by foot.
    I developed a prototype "sensory body jacket" designed to be used by an individual that is in control of all aspects to either decrease or increase sensitivity in any one or all senses.
    I have at least weekly, if not daily, functioned as a "crisis management" facilitator for my 7 children, all of whom have some level of sensory issues or diagnosis of an autism spectrum disorder.