Problem Solver

Katie Arnup

Katie Arnup

Areas Katie Arnup is Knowledgeable in:

social media strategy, web design and strategy, user experience

Techniques Katie Arnup Uses:

Strategic planning, project goals and timelines, stakeholder discussions and engagement, user testing and feedback, A/B testing, prototyping.

Katie Arnup's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. organizing
  2. campaign planning
  3. content strategy
  4. information architecture
  5. web design
  6. design
  7. writing
  8. social media strategy
  9. social media
  10. internal communications
  11. layout and publication

Katie Arnup's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I wrote press releases, letters to politicians, op-eds, and liaised with media/politicians/stakeholders to get coverage.
  2. I wrote and formatted a newsletter sent by email to roughly 9,000 subscribers. I also wrote campaign-specific targeted e-blasts.
  3. In carrying out the campaign, I produced materials and press releases for the campaign; worked with contractors to produce campaign videos, graphics, infographics, and swag for the campaign; reached out to other organizations for funds and campaign engagement.
  4. I developed and implemented a social media strategy while creating engaging web cont. Wrote & designed engaging campaign e-blasts.
  5. I developed and implemented a campaign plan and timeline for a public awareness campaign.
  6. I maintained and adapted a membership database and integrated it with other solutions to improve the organization's functionality.