Problem Solver

Kayleigh Fryer

Kayleigh Fryer

Areas Kayleigh Fryer is Knowledgeable in:

History - research, ancient Greek and Roman, Italian Renaissance, public history - heritage sites and museums, English literature - gothic literature, poetry, proofreading, improvements, content creation, art - sketching, line work, product design - product ideas and sketches, 3D CAD draw ups, model creation, social media - active engagement on platforms, scheduling posts, content creation, customer experience - accessibility, comfort, enjoyment

Kayleigh Fryer's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Proofreading
  2. Manager
  3. Customer assistant
  4. Tutor
  5. Carer
  6. Fishkeeping
  7. Design ideas
  8. Design sketches
  9. CAD
  10. Social Media
  11. Microsoft Office
  12. LaTeX
  13. Content creation
  14. Special Educational Needs assistant and tutor

Kayleigh Fryer's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have submitted many ideas and articles as the basis for development in content creation for articles and small publications.
  2. I created a prototype for a multifunctional piece of home furniture with multi-use accessibility functions.
  3. I built a strategy for a small business to use in order to grow their social media following and online presence.